Over the last several years, many people have transitioned to remote work, also known as, working from home. But if you are like most people in the workforce, this came as a big shock and shift in how you do your day-to-day job. No one handed you a home office checklist that said here are all the things you need in your new dedicated office space at home (i.e. living room, dining room, basement…) in order to be successful.
Before, you would just walk into an office-building, sit down at your desk, and do your work. Everything was available right at your fingertips – printers, papers, pens, a desk, a chair, a computer, the internet – the list goes on and on. Working from home is part of the new normal. You’ll need to create your own personalized workspace or work environment, carve out a dedicated area in their house as your office, and strive for maximum productivity. And if you are like most people, you probably don’t have the most productive workspace environment at the moment. Let’s change that today. Here is your home office checklist for top productivity in 2022 to help get your started. Let’s go!
*Note – As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases in this blog article.

- ✅Standing desk or any desk
- ✅Office chair / comfortable /ergonomic
- ✅Laptop stand
- ✅Filing system (physical)
- ✅Fire-safe box
- ✅Organization system / minimize clutter

- ✅Computer
- ✅High speed internet access
- ✅Filing system (cloud-based)
- ✅External monitor, large
- ✅Smartphone
- ✅Additional software (Microsoft office, etc)
- ✅UPS – uninterruptable power supply
- ✅Paper shredder
- ✅External hard drive
- ✅Surge protectors
- ✅Printer/multipurpose machine (printer/scanner)

- ✅Noise-cancelling headphones
- ✅Spotify account
- ✅Speakers
Time Management Tools

- ✅Clock/Timer
- ✅Calendar
- ✅Planner
- ✅White board
- ✅Bulletin board

- ✅Adequate Lighting
- ✅Green Plants
- ✅Inspirational items
- ✅Journals
- ✅Notebooks
Food & Drink

- ✅Home coffee station
- ✅Coffee mug warmer
- ✅Big water bottle
- ✅Coffee 😊
Stationary Items

- ✅Post its
- ✅Printer paper
- ✅Pens
- ✅Pencils
- ✅Highlighters
- ✅Notebook or legal pad
- ✅Binders
- ✅Folders
- ✅Stapler
- ✅Staples
- ✅Staple remover
- ✅Scissors
- ✅Paperclips
- ✅Document sorter/holder
This is by no means an all-inclusive list, so there will certainly be other items you’ll need in your home office too (depending on the type of work you do)… But you’ll be on your way to creating a productive and efficient home office if you use this home office checklist to help get you started!
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.