It happens to the best of us. We can be staring at a blank page or blank screen for a few minutes which turns into half an hour, and for some reason no words are flowing out of you. You begin to question everything. Am I a good writer? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing? Why am I having such a hard time expressing my thoughts on paper. All writers have been in this situation before. Writer’s block is one of the most common problems in this profession. Affirmations for writers have been proven to be such a powerful tool to ensure you experience writing success and push through writer’s block.
What are Affirmations?
An affirmation is a positive statement that is written in the first person to help overcome self-doubt, negative thoughts, or challenges. These statements are usually read out loud to help lead your subconscious to believe them and ultimately, to begin to make positive changes in your mindset. The theory is that by repeating these positive affirmations out loud, you can begin to embrace these statement whole heartedly.
Most people say “seeing is believing.” In this case, “repeating is believing.” Repeating these positive affirmations over and over again during your daily morning or evening routine can help to improve your writing skills. If you think this idea is a bit wonky, I encourage you to keep reading.
Is there Science Behind Using Positive Affirmations?
The good news is that the practice and popularity of positive affirmations are based on widely accepted and well-established psychological theory.
Learn more about the psychological theories of self-identify and self-affirmation.
How to Use Affirmations
There are a variety of ways you can incorporate positive affirmations in your daily routine to help improve your writing skills. They’re use to help increase your confidence and believe in your abilities to do the thing you set out to do.
-Keep the positive statements short and sweet.
-Use the present tense in the statement.
-Be consistent. Practice your affirmations daily.
-Put pen to paper and write down your affirmations.
Many writers find they get the most of of their affirmations when they include them in their morning routine, however evening routines or another time of the day can work as well. These affirmations are most powerful when speaking them out loud and while making eye contact with yourself in the mirror (i.e., while brushing your teeth in the morning).
Set a reminder on your phone to ensure you remember to say these positive affirmations routinely until it become automatic. Pick one affirmation to stick with for a couple of weeks. Then feel free to switch out or add more affirmations to your routine.
The Importance of Affirmations for Writers
Using affirmations in your daily routine can help get you in the mood to write creatively and set yourself up for success. These positive mental repetitions can help change the way we think. Over time, we can begin to think, speak, and write differently.
In addition to your morning or evening routines, I’d recommend using these positive affirmations for writers. By saying something positive and creative about yourself and your writing ability, this may trigger your brain to believe them and get you going on the right foot. These positive affirmations for writers can help you to:
- Set the tone for your day with positive beliefs
- Counter any self-doubt you feel as a writer
- Offset any negative thoughts about your writing skills
- Crush through writer’s block
- Control negative feelings like frustration
- Improve our self-esteem
- Finish projects
- Improve our productivity
150+ Positive Affirmations for Writers
Below is a list of over 150 positive affirmations for writers that you can use or modify to better fit your personality, tone, or voice. Customize them to make them your own. Maybe you’ll combine a few into something new. Perhaps, you will be so inspired that you will write your own from scratch.
- Anything I can imagine, I can create.
- As my passion for my writing shows, my audience grows and grows!
- At my deepest core, I am a writer.
- Bring it on, blank page! I am ready to fill you with amazing words!
- By writing, I am fulfilling the potential the universe recognizes in me.
- Constructive criticism helps me.
- Creating stories is where I have decided to make meaning in my life.
- Decisions create confidence.
- Every blank page is an opportunity for greatness.
- Every rejection is a redirection to somewhere more beautiful than I can even imagine.
- Everything in my life has led me to be a writer.
- Failure is opportunity to grow.
- I adopt a growth mindset. I am a writer because I choose to work at it and develop my skills.
- I always have time to write, even on the busiest days.
- I am a creator and my work is beautiful.
- I am a gifted writer.
- I am a naturally creative person.
- I am a professional writer. I honor that truth by living that truth.
- I am a talented and skillful writer.
- I am a powerful creator.
- I am absolutely committed to writing something each and every day!
- I am allowed to take breaks from writing when I need to.
- I am an amazing writer and today I prove it on the page!
- I am an author.
- I am capable of being a great writer.
- I am courageous.
- I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
- I am creative. My words flow easily and beautifully.
- I am devoted to my writing.
- I am excited to discover the words that spill from my fingertips.
- I am free from the emotions or influence of others.
- I am free from the judgement of others.
- I am free to make my own choices.
- I am guided in my creative process by a power greater than me. I am never alone.
- I am more than any book I write.
- I am more than any mistake I might ever make.
- I am not at the mercy of my muse. I can find inspiration at any time.
- I am NOT wasting my time.
- I am present while writing. I have no need or desire to rush. I fully immerse myself in telling the story.
- I am proud of what I write.
- I am responsible for my own destiny.
- I am so grateful for my writing practice.
- I am who I choose to be.
- I am worthy and capable of creating the most beautiful words.
- I am excited to write.
- I build upon and expand the success I have already accomplish.
- I can create vivid images and put them down on paper.
- I can overcome writer’s block because I am creative, imaginative, and talented.
- I can visualize success, and I have the patience and talent to reach it.
- I can write a book/blog/article/speech.
- I can write anywhere, anytime.
- I choose gratitude.
- I continue to master the art of writing.
- I convert my creative energy and ability into financial and emotional fulfillment.
- I define success on my own terms.
- I embrace creative and imaginative thinking.
- I find joy in writing every day.
- I grow stronger in my unique talents every day.
- I have a creative soul.
- I have a story to tell.
- I have a unique voice that the world wants to hear
- I have a vivid imagination.
- I have everything I need to finish this project.
- I have the courage to write.
- I have the power to create something beautiful.
- I have the power to make a positive difference in someone’s life.
- I have what it takes to be a published author.
- I have what it takes to succeed and thrive.
- I know how to write, and this is what I do every day.
- I know what I want to deliver to my audience.
- I know what my audience wants and I deliver it every time!
- I love creating stories. I love creating value for other people.
- I matter.
- I only fail if I quit.
- I owe it to my clients and online community to write so they can keep enjoying my work.
- I possess creative ideas, they are inside of me.
- I reject perfection.
- I release my inner perfectionist and allow myself to embrace joy and flow.
- I release the need to build myself up with expectations before I begin my writing.
- I release the need to know the outcome of my current project.
- I serve the world by choosing to write.
- I take action every day to move toward my values.
- I trust the process.
- I was born to write.
- I will always grow and progress as a writer no matter what
- I will become a professional writer.
- I will feel amazing when I hit my writing goals today.
- I write every day, with confidence and enthusiasm.
- I write with purpose and passion.
- I’ve got this.
- Ideas are pouring out of me, and writing is how I preserve them forever.
- If I get through this, I can get through anything.
- In all of its ups and downs, writing is a beautiful adventure.
- Inspiration for my writing flows to me from everywhere!
- It always starts with just one word.
- Move and the way will open. Write and the story will appear.
- My best book yet is ready to spill out of me and onto the page today!
- My creativity is limitless, and I will not let anything stop me from writing.
- My greatest inspiration exists within me.
- My greatest joy is seeing how my readers are affected by my writing.
- My job is to write the work, not to judge the work.
- My life’s work depends on what I write today, and it will depend on what I write tomorrow.
- My mind is full of great ideas.
- My nature is creative and writing is my way of honoring who I truly am.
- My passion and my profession are one.
- My readers are waiting for my next big work, and I’m the only one who can write it.
- My story is important.
- My voice deserves to be heard.
- My voice is powerful.
- My words don’t have to be perfect to be worthy and meaningful.
- My words matter.
- My words will inspire others.
- My work is valuable.
- My work will remain for everyone to enjoy.
- My worthiness as a writer is not dependent on my achievements.
- My writing always connects with and speaks to my target audience.
- My writing flows out of me as my gift the world. Today it flows like a mighty river.
- My writing is strengthened by constructive criticism from others and from myself.
- My writing may not be for everybody, but it is for somebody.
- No one is capable of writing the same things as me.
- Nothing worth doing comes easy, I will choose to progress regardless.
- One paragraph at a time, and soon the entire work will be complete.
- Rejection happens to every writer, even professionals.
- Rejection is a valuable part of the process.
- Sometimes I write for myself to get these ideas out of my head.
- Spending time writing is the best possible use of my time.
- Strategy will take me where I need to go.
- The first thing I have to do is begin. The rest will come.
- The next part of the story is waiting just beyond this hurdle.
- The words I write have the potential to change lives.
- The world needs more writing, and I am the perfect person to provide it.
- There are no limits to what I can imagine.
- There are people whose lives will be made far better if I write and publish this book
- There is an amazing book out there waiting for me to write it and today I do!
- There is no limit to my imagination or my creativity.
- There is no such thing as failure as a writer, only feedback.
- There is somebody out there who is excited to read my words.
- There’s a great story inside that I need to get out, and I know how to do it.
- This will work out. I have nothing to gain by expecting the worst.
- This work will be a masterpiece.
- Today the blank page and me are collaborators on something amazing!
- We all have to start somewhere, no matter how small.
- What I write is impactful.
- What I write will make people’s day better.
- When I choose to create through writing, that is a beautiful act in itself
- When I get out of my own way, the words flow easily to the page.
- When I slow down, the inspiration I’ve been seeking finds me.
- When I write, I have no fears.
- Whenever I sit down at the keyboard, the words flow easily and effortlessly.
- Write one word now, and more will follow.
- Writer’s block is a problem everyone experiences, but the only way to overcome it is to write.
- Writing calms me.
- Writing is my craft.
- Writing is my gift that I share with the world.
- Writing is my practice.
- Writing is the way I connect to the world and how the world connects to me.

(*Infographic created by Larissa Siravo, student in The Dietitian Editor Volunteer Program & Mentorship in Spring 2023.)
Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Writers
I hope you found this article on affirmations for writers helpful and valuable as you sit down to write your next piece of content, whether it’s a social media post, a blog post, or a book – or whatever writing project you are working on. Using positive affirmations is a powerful strategy to improve your mindset both personally and professionally, and ultimately, will help you to become a better writer.