30+ Best Canva Font Pairings

Published on: 12/04/2023
Published By: Liz Jalkiewicz
best canva font pairings

Choosing the right font pairing is an important aspect of creating a visually appealing design. Fonts can convey emotion, personality, and style, and they can make or break a design. 

Canva, a popular graphic design tool, offers a vast selection of fonts to choose from, but with so many options, it can be challenging to find the perfect font pairing. In this blog post, we will showcase the best Canva font pairings that will help you create professional-looking designs for any occasion.

30+ Best Canva Font Pairings

Classic Fonts 

  1. Georgia Pro and Arial 

These fonts have an inviting appearance with a modern twist. 

  1. Roboto and Raleway 

A classic font pairing that is inviting and easy to read.

  1. Alegreya Sans and Alegreya 

This accomplishes a harmonious and clean appearance. 

  1. Pt Serif and PT Sans 

These two are an ideal pair suitable for professional and traditional looks. 

Professional Fonts

  1. Pt Sans and Open Sans:

A polished font pairing fit for a variety of professional purposes. 

  1. Merriweather and Source Sans Pro 

This classic and formal pairing achieves a look that is very versatile. 

  1. Cinzel and Montserrat 

This sleek and proper design is definitely an attention-grabber for formal ambiances.  

  1. Times New Roman and Arial 

A simple and modern take for any professional occasion. 

Minimalistic Fonts

  1. Montserrat and Open Sans: 

A modern interpretation of minimalism that is both bold and professional. 

  1.  Raleway and Montserrat 

This geometric yet contemporary font pairing speaks volumes in a subtle way. 

  1.  Helvitica Now and Avenir 

This font pairing achieves a stylish and fresh look. 

  1.  Open Sans and Lora 

A versatile font pairing that fits any minimalistic objectives.  

  1.  Montserrat and Lato 

This clean look is a classic minimalist approach to fonts. 

Modern Fonts

  1.  Didot LP and Open Sans 

The refined yet dashing appearance of this font pairing is guaranteed to leave an impact. 

  1.  Roboto and Noto Sans 

This streamlined design has a controlled boldness that’s very aesthetic. 

  1.  Poppins and PT Sans 

A light and tasteful font pairing that is refreshing to the eye. 

  1.  Poppins and Lora 

This achieves a style that is chic with a touch of sophistication. 

  1.  Poppins and Nunito 

This geometric and modern look has an inviting appearance. 

  1.  Oswald and Lora 

This contemporary design accomplishes an ambiance that is bold with a hint of sophistication. 

  1.  Gotham and Proxima Nova 

A classic clean and polished look that has a twist of modernism. 

Elegant Fonts

  1.  Playfair Display and Lato:

This luxurious font is both modern and refined. 

  1.  Libre Baskerville and Open Sans: 

A traditional look that provides a simplistic elegance. 

  1.  Futura and Garamond 

This font pairing is unique as it has an artistic flair to a classy font. 

  1.  Playfair Display and Open Sans

Another traditional font pairing with a splash of class. 

  1.  Lato and Merriweather 

This font pairing strikes a great balance between elegance and modernness. 

Bold Fonts

  1.  Abril Fatface and Open Sans 

This striking design is bold with a dash of style. 

  1.  Bebas Neue and Raleway 

This edgy font pairing has a subtle boldness that’s just enough to grab anyone’s attention. 

  1.  Oswald and Lato: 

The contrast between a strong and condensed headline with an easy-going body text creates the perfect dynamic duo. 

  1. Oswald and Roboto 

This is similar to the pairing aboves, but this couple has a bit of a softer feel to it. 

  1.  League Gothic and Raleway 

The bold and sleek fonts help to bring “edgy” to a whole another level. 

Friendly & Fun Fonts 

  1.  Bree Serif and Quicksand 

This distinctive duo creates a casual and friendly appearance for positive texts. 

  1.  Bangers and Roboto 

This bold and lively font will get any message across in a playful way.

Additional Reading:

*This article was reviewed and updated by TDE Team Member, Abigail Alvarado, in November 2023.


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